Thursday, November 5, 2015

Rubbish working Cowboy style.

Over the past few days I've gotten to know the Waitakere Transfer Station a little bit and it's kinda fallen into my usual estimation of Council run services in that I've kinda been able to get in and grab what they haven't regarded as useful yet and then seen walls up around other things I might be able to use in some way simple because the vested interests have locked things down.

Case in point was the simple fact they do up lawnmowers on site which is a good thing but then I asked about buying parts from their stash of unfixed lawnmowers and they basically said no as they use them to get parts from so what what we actually have here is a system which isn't so much interested in the overall value of that which is deemed surplus finding it's way back into the system if at all possible so much as an entity which has locked up a resource to ensure it's own survival. The follow on from that is that I must let my own lawnmower decay and have it become a resource for them and buy a fixed up lawnmower from them as opposed to me be able to draw on reserves of good parts to be able to make the lawnmower I have last for as long as possible.

Alongside this I saw a huge resource stashed away in the form of broken weed eaters and they have yet to find a use for them outside of just being weed eaters and I have a use for them but given the way they would certainly grab that use and then lock up the resource for their own employment continuation then I am loathe to give them the idea, which in fact isn't mine at all but something I saw some young chap make use of a year or two ago and has been filed away as a very good idea.

What this essentially illustrates is the basic problems with the system of capital as a driving force because of it's natural tendency towards ownership and needing to protect available resource to ensure that that defined ownerships investment is both in defining a resource and ensuring access to that resource.

Now I'm faced with a dilemma and that dilemma is basically do I give this idea to the control entity defined as the Waitakere Waste Minimisation Scheme (or something similar as those control entities love there ability to define themselves as compartmentalisations in branched out and supposedly independent relativities of consequence... SAD! (supposedly advantageous departmentalisations) in a style they actually understand as in a licensed ability to use an idea and pay out a dividend on... oops, then we run into what might be the crux of the matter where on one hand the Council entity has to make money to ensure it's own survival but is entirely loathe, one would suspect, to allow us to make money on it's behalf as it's stands behind some unspoken rule whereby we must all volunteer how we could actually become part of the system.

And then tucked up at the very back of all this inspired waste re-purposing, and it's a bit hard to find and without signposting... which seems really silly, is that modern approach to all great misunderstood problems where we're hell bent on just making sure the children of our world get the full impact, or rather gift wrapped in colourful jocularity, of that which almost completely mystifies us as a tarted up bunch of excuses that we're actually doing something and as my friend said as we left the place ourselves that what was actually telling of it's existence was the brand new Volvo and BMW that were parked out the front.

So I would encourage everyone who might read this to visit that award winning site of rubbish repurposing... if you can figure out how to actually get in, see, that's the thing. Incidentally I can't blame Council and the actual entity which is the Waitakere Transfer Station for that but it really is something that needs to change and change as quickly as possible. It needs a backdoor and a backdoor that's open wide.

Because entering from the front is all big gates and lights for when to drive forward and weight bridges and big trucks and I had to basically lie to get in. My friend is doing a mural next door in the Dog Pound and I only even knew about the transfer station because he told me it was there and had found out from someone else that if you said at the gate, the toll booth, that you were doing work with children as part of a charity and needed to view materials... as the impetus for the work was recycling, you'd be allowed in. So I did this and I got in and once in there and taking up the time of the important chap they'd arranged for me to meet I learned that all I had to do was say I was going to the Gate 5 shop, which upon realising the existence of as a adjutant to the 'free wood' pile was then modified simply to 'free wood'. What I actually did, and I see this upon reflection, was that I created my own back door and having done this realise that that is actually what this 'thing' requires.

It requires a whole new way to acessing what's available within it which has as great an influence on it's running efficiently as the front door has. It needs an entrance that can question and determine the legitimacy of people coming in from behind and letting them feed into the system whereby alternatives uses for the vast heap of raw materials can be put to use in a targeted way that suits this eventual ideal of Zero waste.
 Now I've actually done my dash for the morning and have to do some work but I'll come back to this tomorrow morning and talk about how this backdoor might actually be created.
So the pragmatic part of me understands the situation, as much as I can within the circumstances, and while hopefully the people at the above might be working in this direction already, this above photograph, and the description to follow, states it as my intellectual property and as such 'owner of' and it is within the development of how and where to actually fit in a pathway, both in terms of a driveway/walkway in real actual hard materials and the integration of a way to allow individuals and organisations to allow that pathway to fit their needs - as opposed to individuals having to fit themselves to bureaucracies needs, this being an absolutely vital part of the backdoor as a new paradigm worth embracing.

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